Saturday, 11 January 2020

Top Myths Revolving Around Window Films

Window film has several benefits for home and business owners, so we’re never surprised when we get positive feedback from our clients. However, there remain some horrible misconceptions that usually turn people away from window filming in general. Don’t let these below-listed misconceptions stop you from choosing a quality window film Madison that can save money & increase your overall comfort. 

Film applied to glass can cause thermal breakage:

Film applied to glass as per manufacturer’s specification will never cause thermal breakage. Only if the glass isn’t manufactured or installed according to the industry standard can cause thermal damage. To support this fact, some window film suppliers even provide a 5-year thermal breakage warranty that includes glass & film replacement.

Window film will kill my house plants:

If you love the plants in your house & are concerned that window film may harm them, take heart. Window films obstruct ultraviolet rays but not the blue and red rays that plant requires to survive. Also, window film helps in regulating room temperatures & humidity. It, in fact, helps in developing a stable setting for your plants by reducing extreme sunlight. 

You can’t clean windows properly after filming:

Filmed windows can be cleaned just like any other standard windows. Make sure to check the specification of the film for more comprehensive instructions, but otherwise, your window cleaning regimen can usually stay the same as it was prior to the treatment. 

Window films will discolor quickly:

High-quality window films are protected by ultraviolet inhibitors, assuring that the films won’t fade over time. Ten-year manufacturer’s material & labor warranties generally support these claims.

Window films are useful in summer only:

Window films are useful year-round. It not just rebuffs the sun’s heat during the summer; it also insulates your house from the chilled winter wind. Besides temperature control, window film also offers UV protection, glare diminution, and security features all year long. 

All window films are the same:

This is perhaps the most widespread misconceptions regarding window tints. That isn’t true! There’s a wide range of styles & types of films, and many variations are made from diverse materials & cater to different purposes. While cost is a factor, you don’t wish to pick a tint because it is the cheapest product out there. Whether it is for your home or commercial building, you should invest in tint with the right balance of cost, visibility, shade, and security.

Here at Madison Window Services, we can help you find the window film in Madison for your residential or commercial projects. Call us now to discuss your requirements & options.